Monday, March 20, 2023

How to Bring Down the CCP

The economic power of China is well known. Yet, the aspirations of the Chinese people for freedom is also well-known. The persecution and genocide of the Uyghurs is a case in point when it comes to understanding the evils of communism. The recent illegal annexation of Hong Kong and the military threats to Taiwan expose the dangers of the fascist CCP.

Add to this the theft of technology from other nations, Confucius Institutes that infiltrate the world’s educational institutes, spying on industrial organizations and theft of intellectual property, the possible deliberate effort to kill millions of people around the world through the coronavirus and you have a nation so paranoid that no sane nation can trust it. 

What can the Chinese people do now? How can they advance their prospects for self-sufficiency and self-determination? I suggest a Revolution of Silence.

To the Chinese people, I’d like to suggest starving your government of money, go on strike, and keep from your murderous government the very things it needs to oppress you. This approach may require short-term suffering but certainly not the level of suffering you have experienced for decades. Here is how it can be done:

1. Stay in your homes after work until the government falls. If you have vacation time available, take it but spend little money in the economy. This keeps you out of trouble, reduces commerce and yet is a form of protest.

2. Hoard your money as much as you can, hide it and do not put it in a bank; temporarily remove it from circulation. The government needs a working economy in order to pay for operations. If you hoard your money and refuse to buy anything, there will be fewer taxes the government can collect.

3. Reduce or stop your production if possible. The government can only collect taxes when surplus wealth is created. If there is no surplus wealth, the government will begin to experience budget deficits, and this will reduce the amount of money available for the Chinese military.

4. Keep silent about your opinion of the government and do only what you are told. Present no new ideas on how to better society (especially if it involves you sacrificing more of your values). Act as if you are ignorant when you are asked for an opinion or idea.

5. If you can, do only enough to achieve bare subsistence. This should also be done by merchants and factory owners whose taxes feed the coercive economy. If you can decrease production without being caught, do so.

6. Do not start new businesses or borrow money for major purchases. This will slow the economy and start the process of economic decline that is necessary for the government to fall.

7. If you are a student, learn your lessons and get good grades, but take no position of leadership and show only the support of silence. The entire society should walk in silence without smiles. This is a form of protest.

8. If you are an employee of the government or even a police officer, do everything you can to help freedom-loving people who have been arrested unfairly (without being noticed) and, if you can, refuse to follow orders. This will be important because the new government, once it is formed, will need good people.

9. Whenever possible, grow your own food and make your own energy and do nothing to improve your standard of living until the government has fallen and you are free.

10. In your trade with others, trade in such a way that it is out of sight of government and without reporting. Barter, create your own private currencies and make only private agreements out of sight of government. Trust each other and deal only with people who do not support the government.

11. If possible, take advantage of every benefit the government provides so it is spending money on you that it cannot spend on weapons and oppression. Only take a government job if you can sabotage the government without being noticed. Take but never give back.

12. Understand the government’s weaknesses. Remember, American consulting firms have been directing your institutions in order to mimic American capitalism in China. This is a weakness, not a strength. American consulting firms have been recommending Keynesian ideas for decades and this means pragmatism, indeterminacy, and fascism. You can thwart these policies by standing on principle for individual rights. American companies today are not about American principles. These companies can be fought by staying firm on ideas like those found in the Declaration of Independence and the constitution of the USA. Fight for freedom, not compromise. Policies like “the end justifies the means”, “sacrifices must be made” and “perception is reality” are false ideas. Fight for the “pursuit of happiness”, not human sacrifice. The goal of a proper society is to have citizens who are happy, not “suffering and dying”.

As I have written elsewhere:

“Our inability to get fair trading terms from the Chinese should have resulted in less trade between the two countries. This is because our country would have been able to resume manufacturing here (in America) as well as make good trade deals with other countries.

“Overall, Trump’s policies were ineffective because he mimicked liberal policies in America and did not know what he was doing. His tariffs, in particular, did not work because they distorted his conservatism and gave the Chinese a reason to interfere in our elections, media, and educational systems. Trump’s policies had the correct goal, but with incorrect means. His efforts to lower the regulatory impact of the left’s policies was effective only in thwarting the negative economic impact of the Obama administration; but Trump’s policy of liberating the economy was thwarted by his very own covid policies.”

With a protest like I have suggested above, a silent protest, the government cannot last long, and it will either have to capitulate or fall. Governments need money in order to function and if you can starve the CCP of money, you can win. After all, you are the highest value in your society; they are the parasites.

To understand totalitarianism, read my book:

The New Totalitarianism - Quo Vadis by Robert Villegas (Paid link)

-        Robert Villegas

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Response to Amazon Review of "How Communism and Socialism Work"

Response to Amazon Review of “How Communism and Socialism Work”

By Robert Villegas

A good author gives his reader a clear statement of the fundamental ideas that brought him or her to write his book. Likewise, he can easily detect the agenda of the negative book reviewer by reading between the lines of the review. This was particularly evident for me in the first Amazon book review of my book “How Communism and Socialism Work ( (Paid link))”. The agenda of this reviewer was clearly anti-capitalist and she (Barbara) sought to make sure that people did not read this book. I had violated some of his/her basic tenets by disagreeing with how communism and socialism works. This was clear to me because, rather than discussing communism or socialism, the reviewer attacked me. The title of the review is "Not an objective pov, very right wing". First let me point out that I am neither right wing or left wing. I don't believe in either title as I am a radical for capitalism and rightly so. That is not a right wing position as most right wingers are religiously inclined theocrats. With that said, Barbara clearly exposes her leftist bias. I assume that means she considers genocide and mass murder to be left wing as that is what she seems to be for.

It is highly likely that someone paid this reviewer to write a negative assessment of my book. The telltale signs indicate that this is the case. Whoever paid the reviewer didn’t get her money’s worth because she only scanned the first chapter and then said nothing to defend communism or socialism. Rather, in order to pretend she knew something about communism or socialism, criticized me for being negative about the two coercive systems.

Let us begin:

“Reading through the sample I was under the impression that the author was going to describe the history of communism and socialism and go into a compare, contrast discussion. Possibly sprinkle in capitalism, Marxism, fascism, and other ideologies. However, th(is) wasn't the case. The book is filled with buzz words that evoke emotion (mostly anger). In the introduction he states, "if most people do not know what capitalism is, it is because of the negative propaganda about capitalism regularly spewed by socialist teachers throughout our educational system and even the media. Teachers and journalists lie about capitalism's positive features, and they have no problem misleading school children and the public." He goes on to finger point and blame. Does he know all teachers in the US and their teaching tactics? Has he sat in and listened to all or even most teachers and how they teach (I highly doubt it)?”

My response: Of course, leftists blindly make general statements like this as a way of seeming to discredit their opposition. Arguments against communism and socialism don’t take, nor does they require, that the analysis of the educational system be fully comprehensive and complete. This is not a book about education. It is an exposé of the way communism and socialism work in society as a whole.

What it takes is an understanding of how principles operate in the education of the child. One need only read commonly available articles and studies to identify the fact that in many “leftist” educational jurisdictions, the licensing requirements for teachers require knowledge of and adherence to socialism and communism, virtually all of which are replete with anti-capitalist notions.[1]

After questioning my analysis, the reviewer is not even checking her own statements against the reality that many school districts are teaching communism and socialism, as well as critical theory that came out of the Frankfurt School in Germany (for example Herbert Marcuse, a staunch communist).

To return to the review:

“What about private schools, what do they teach? Educators should be presenting information and encouraging kids to think for themselves. Kids are learning (or should be) to see all sides of a position even a political view and measure the facts against their morals and values to see what fits with them.”

My response: Is the reviewer suggesting that private schools should present a positive view of communism and socialism and a negative view of capitalism? He or she might be surprised to know that many private schools already do that. In fact, private schools bring to education a number of historical perspectives across the full spectrum of political thought. The fact that much of what is taught today comes from the ideas of modern philosophy; from Descartes, Hume, Kant, Hobbes, and other philosophers, and this means that the basis of what they teach (such as the historical process of dialectical materialism) means that many private schools are teaching essentially the same ideas as public schools. Like our reviewer, they too ignore mentioning the millions of people killed by communism and socialism because they are projecting into reality that “real” socialism and communism don’t commit genocide. I assert that genocide is a common feature of all forms of communism and socialism. I’m afraid that the question “What about private schools?” has essentially the same answer as “What about public schools?”

So, the reviewer’s goal of minimizing the value of my book, by making spurious comments about my research, without even reading the book, becomes clear. It is not about my research, it is about telling you, the reader, not to read the book. This is a typical tactic of the left; to attack ideas without discussing them or offering better ideas. It is not about a dispassionate comparison of capitalism and coercive systems – it is about denying the truth that socialism and communism (the real things) kill people in massive numbers.

Back to the review:

“It was my hope that the author would present history, definitions, and objective evidence so I can form my own opinion and basically let me think for myself.

My response:

This is what I call emotionalism. I, the writer, am supposed to follow his or her emotions and needs, not my reason. My goal, according to the reviewer, should be to follow her hopes, present a version of history, definitions, and objective evidence so he or she can form an opinion by his or her self. But that is not my goal in this book. It is not my goal to provide answers that the reviewer can merely reject as right wing. It is my goal to present the truth and identify the basic source (altruism) as the destroyer of nations. It is the expropriation of values (as an act of altruism) that make communism and socialism evil. This is not a mere left versus right issue - it is a wrong versus right issue.

My goal is to provide a new perspective on socialism and communism by implicating a bad idea that is seldom identified; by pointing directly to the fact that the evils of communism and socialism are created by adherence to  altruism; which is the demand for human sacrifice. My goal is to expose the evils of communism and socialism, not tip toe around the issues, ignore the genocide, famines, and murders, and declare that these systems have been misunderstood – they are not merely misunderstood; they are evil and diabolical – they are nihilistic – their goals are to destroy good people and ruin their lives. While the reviewer merely says:

“But instead, he presents his opinion.”

My response:

This is a spurious criticism. I am not presenting a mere opinion; I am presenting a stark, real truth that declares communism and socialism to be inanely sick and bloodthirsty. It is not my opinion that they killed over 200 million people who were guilty of being intelligent and prosperous. If that fact does not make you hate communism and socialism, then YOU are insane.

To declare anti-communism and anti-socialism to be mere right wing opinions is to diminish the utter raving sickness of communists and socialists, their street violence and coercive regulations. Indeed, for the leftist who loves communism and socialism, any criticism of these systems is an opinion – and they hope you agree that my criticisms are worthless if they come from someone who merely criticizes communism or socialism.

Back to the reviewer:

“Author's should write books like these to encourage people to think rather then (sic) telling them what to think using emotions and fear.”

My response:

It is interesting that neither communism nor socialism encourage people to think logically, and that their teachers surely use emotions and fear when they encourage students to love the most vicious ideas in history.

When philosophy debates important issues, it breaks each issue into different sides and demands they both use the same method: reason and facts. This book was written to encourage people to think for themselves about how evil communism and socialism are. It also introduces the idea that is often ignored by scholars that communism and socialism are outgrowths of altruism, a moral philosophy that causes failure in society. That is what this debate is about and that is what my book is about. It asks the reader to think about that “for himself” and relate it to the success or failure of his or her life.

Back to the reviewer:

“Anytime anyone starts blaming others without the person there to rebut the argument; then it’s an opinion piece. I couldn't even get through the introduction; his anger was disappointing.

My response:

What could it possibly mean to be “blaming others” “without the person there to rebut the argument”. Is she referring to Marx? He is dead. Is the reviewer saying you cannot criticize a person who is either dead or absent? In fact, there is no discernible anger in the introduction to my book, so this criticism is meaningless. I suppose one is not supposed to be angry with communists and socialists for all the destruction they have wrought throughout history. For some reason I cannot fathom, communism and socialism are to be discussed without criticizing their fundamental features; features which make up their essential evil? Communism and socialism TAKE values from people as a central feature of their existence. If that isn't evil, then what is?

In truth, the purpose of this negative review of my book, in my opinion, is to keep people from reading it. The reviewer does not want people to know that there is an argument for capitalism and against communism and socialism. By ignoring the rest of the book, the reviewer seeks to establish, in the minds of potential readers, a false premise that the book is fraught with false arguments against the two most murderous political philosophies in history. The reader is supposed to blindly accept coercion and slaughter as good for society.

Communism and socialism versus capitalism are two distinct systems based upon opposite premises. For generations, Communism and socialism have fraudulently taken upon themselves the moral upper hand over capitalism. In truth, communism and socialism are based upon force and capitalism is based upon freedom; and the difference between force and freedom clearly implies that it is capitalism that has the moral upper hand when it comes to its ability to create wealth and abundance, while communism and socialism are destructive. This is because force is always destructive. That is what I show in my book.

When you advocate a system based on force, you must use an argument to justify your appropriation of the moral upper hand. This argument is altruism (which requires human sacrifice). This requires the immoral assertion that the gun toting appropriators of wealth are really trying to do good for people and/or society.

The reason that the advocates of communism/socialism fight and denigrate capitalism is because capitalism succeeds in creating wealth and happiness for hard working people. The left cannot stand capitalism because, if it was allowed to flourish, it would overwhelm the value of communism and socialism and expose the decay they bring to society.

Any effort that compares communism, socialism, and fascism to capitalism is a fruitless endeavor. There has never been a coercive system that was superior to any capitalist system. If you identify the choices correctly for the student, you can identify the nature of each system in order to decide on the system that is good for human life. For instance, if you declare that capitalism is superior to communism, you can muster facts and valid statistics which make the case. Communists don’t want that discussion which is why they prefer the moral case which gives them the power to lie and distort the morality of each system. Few people anywhere have tried to make the moral case for capitalism which is why the reviewer accused me of being negative and ignoring the educational system. In fact, capitalism is moral, and communism and socialism are evil, and this is why I am negative and angry. It is a righteous anger that I am proud to hold. All one has to do is observe the millions of dead at the hands of the genocidal murderers of communism and socialism in order to be angry. To consider these murderous systems to be aberrations is itself an aberration.

Whoever this reviewer is, she would not have been able to give this book a poor rating without first buying the book. This means they cannot request a refund of the purchase price because reviewing products requires a valid purchase of the product.

The argument made here about “blaming others” is also bogus. I am blaming true killers and thieves for hurting many people under the banner of altruistic sacrifice. If one is going to educate people about the proper society, one must blame those responsible for the false ideas that create murderous societies. The “blaming others” charge is not about being negative and opinionated, it is about blaming communists and socialists for their demonstrably bad ideas and governance.

Please note: You can find the review of this book by clicking "1 Rating" next to the book image found on the book link above (Paid link)

Friday, December 30, 2022



The sky is still so blue here,

and the earth is still quite green.

That today could come from yesterday

no one could have then foreseen.

The sun should not be shining

upon any grassy scene.

There is nothing good to live for

since the ego quarantine.


The People's Great Republic

is but someone's pretty dream.

But it does not follow quite that way.

It is but a bad regime.

The people never sensed that

it was someone's wretched scheme

to bind all men to masters

and to steal their self-esteem.


The People's Great Republic

overruns with death's disease.

A man knows not and never knows

the men whom he must please.

And the whims of all his leaders

float like dust upon the breeze.

But the words of their commandments

are like roots of giant trees.


The People's Great Republic

is but gangster rule gone wild.

It is full of punks and pipers

and of Hitlers all self-styled.

And the people all know nothing.

But although they've been defiled,

they remember with affection

when their leader turned and smiled.


The People's Great Republic

is but mindlessness berserk.

While they tie each man to every man,

they make sure that he will work.

That no man should rise to greatness

is a massive statist quirk.

They give the loam to farming men

and the numbers to the clerk.


The People's Great Republic

keeps the power to its own.

It keeps men bound in silence

and no coup has ever grown.

And to rule with fear is their one way

that they stay upon their throne.

And to turn men on each other

makes the state into a stone.


Copyright 2015 Robert Villegas from Poetic Prose and Poetry of Robert Villegas (Paid link)

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Movies, Movies, Movies

My Production Company, Golden Gryphon Entertainment will be a movie and video production company that will produce feature films, documentaries, television shows and videos. The company will start by soliciting support from potential sponsors who will obtain billing credit, product placement and Title (Presented by) credit. It will also solicit production companies that are building their movie libraries for download of for theatrical production on stage or movie screens.

My purpose with this page is to attract financing and production companies to bring some or all of my works to the screen. Below is a synopsis of each book and links (where available).


1.     Aphrodite

Aphrodite is a young starlet and singer. One night she has a dream and is asked by a vision of a young girl to write her song and find a musician who can write the music for the song. She meets Johnny who is a master classical guitarist and they have a connection they spend the events of the movie discovering.

Read about Aphrodite the Screenplay by Robert Villegas

2.     Carl

This is an action movie about the life of business titan Carl Fisher who built Miami Beach and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. He is also largely responsible for the Interstate Highway system. Told from the viewpoint of his wife, the story is based upon a book she wrote about Mr. Fisher. The idea for the movie involves taking vintage photography from the early part of the last century and converting it into hot action and speed. It is largely featuring the early history of the Indianapolis 500 automobile race.

To read the preliminary script, please contact the author at Contact Robert Villegas

Books suitable for feature movie conversion, short television or video shows:

The Boy who Stood Alone

Jonny Payne is an Indiana teenager who has just discovered the philosophy of Ayn Rand and his parents are displeased. They take him to a priest and a psychologist, but his only question is "What is the price of independence? Jonny struggles to grow intellectually while confronted by the disapproval of his parents and peers. As he grows, he learns that the battle for independence is the battle of life.

Read about the Boy who Stood Alone

Adam Reborn

Adam Reborn is an allegory for the stage. It uses the Biblical symbols of Adam and Eve to tell the story of man’s relationship with God.

In this story, Adam and Eve are young and heroic people learning to deal with a Paradise and a God that are hostile to them. There is no chance of life and everything that is natural to them is cut off, given no chance for fruition.

They sense this; they feel the vacuum in their souls, and they are uncertain as to how to deal with it. The man/woman relationship suffers as it must under such strains; independence is too essential to it. How they deal with it is the message of this allegory.

Read about Adam Reborn

Poems for the Stage – A Story of Love

This theatrical presentation features romantic love poems found in Mr. Villegas's books Poetic Prose and Poetry, The Raven Haired Girl and others. The poems are arranged so they create a love story about a young woman and her soldier husband.

Read about Poems for the Stage - Story of Love

Poems for the Stage – The Man at the Computer

This theatrical play is based upon poems from Mr. Villegas's book Poetic Prose and Poetry. Some of the poems have been slightly altered to reflect the internal story of the play. The title poem is about the citizen journalist and how he has changed the world through his computer.

Read about Poems for the Stage - The Man at the Computer

2044 - A Screenplay

Aspiring Journalist, Robert Reynaldo, returns to his childhood home after years of traveling the world. His return to LaPorte, Indiana leads to some unfinished business in the form of Susie, his long-lost love. He learns he must finish the story. Then he awakens.

Read about 2044 - A Screenplay

Books suitable for documentaries, television shows or feature movies

Is this the Face that Launched a Thousand Ships?

It was love at first sight. I saw her one day while watching a television program about King Tut, the boy King of Egypt whose tomb had been discovered by Howard Carter years before. I was looking at the famous bust of a beautiful Egyptian Queen. Her elegant face, long neck and stunning eyes exemplified human perfection of the highest order.

Who was she? What was her life? How did she live? Who did she love and what were her deepest thoughts?

All of these questions represented mysteries to solve. Her beauty had inspired these questions; men could not help thinking that the mystery represented eternal truths that have haunted humanity for millennia.

Was this the face that launched a thousand ships? Was she Helen of Troy?

Read about Is this the Face that Launched a Thousand Ships

Unkilling Jesus

This book explores the following questions: How was the story of Jesus’s life written? Who was Paul and what was his role in the creation of Christianity? What was his provenance and did he actually meet the resurrected Christ? Who wrote Revelation and what was the document’s purpose? Why was Domitian assassinated? Who was Clement and what was the nature of his relationships with Peter and Josephus? Were the Pseudo-Clementine materials really “pseudo”? Why did Saulus attack Justus? How were the gospels written? What was the significance of the library fire during the reign of Domitian? Why did Josephus write the "Testimonium"? Who was the Anti-Christ and what was the Sign of the Beast? What was the Mark of Titus? What does all this have to do with the future of Christianity? This documentary and/or feature movie could include materials about Christianity from the following books: Domitian: The Final Messiah, How they Wrote the Gospels, Paul’s Agon, Christianity on the Arch of Titus, Coded Messages in the Pastorals, Seven Letters of Revelation and Understanding Revelation.

Read about Unilling Jesus

To learn more about how you can help in movie, television and documentary works by Mr. Villegas' you can contact him via email at

How to Bring Down the CCP

The economic power of China is well known. Yet, the aspirations of the Chinese people for freedom is also well-known. The persecution and ge...